Digital Vehicle Inspection

Finally Made simple
Free 21 day trial
No credit card
Inspection app
Complete inspections
within minutes

Driveroo Inspector FREE test drive

    • Boost efficiency by moving to digital inspections
    • Get started in seconds, no training
    • Increase turnover and reduce error
    • Generate reports that sell repair work
    • Drastically increases repair approvals rate
    • Easily manage customers

    Driveroo Inspector App

    A powerful easy to use digital vehicle inspection tool proven to sell more repair work


    The inspection process is customized to reflect your specific needs

    Unlimited storage

    Support your report with as many pictures or videos as any given inspection requires

    Feature-rich interface

    Simple VIN scanner, voice-to-text converter, photo editing, video storage

    Visual Input Technology

    Helps streamline the inspection process

    Unlimited pictures with editing and markup

    A picture is worth a thousand words. Convey messages with easy to understand snapshots, add comments if necessary

    Revenue generating reports

    Communicate with customers through visually appealing and transparent reports that help you sell more repairs

    Engage customers

    Direct communication with customers from a mobile device, including texting or emailing vehicle photos, can speed up the approval process


    How it Works

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