Construction Equipment Fleet Management Software

Choose the easiest to use software for operators that ensure accountability and helps keep equipment availability high.
Choose the easiest to use software for operators that ensure accountability and helps keep equipment availability high.
Keep your employees safe and your fleet fully compliant with industry regulations. Driveroo breakthrough visual interface makes inspections easier, faster and more accurate which drives more consistent inspections and safer, better maintained equipment.
Stay on top of preventative maintenance and ensure that your vehicles and equipment are always ready for the job. Design asset specific programs and automate schedules based on inspection data. Service reminders and easy task assignments make it simple.
Instant visibility to issues and detailed reports with images and video shorten response times and ensure first-time fix. Quickly combine scheduled maintenance with repair requests to optimize service effort. Automate work orders for in-house teams or 3rd party service providers.
Monitor the health of all vehicles and equipment in your fleet. Get instant visibility to your top services types, parts and labor costs. Keep a record of every asset’s inspections, issues and repairs at your fingertips.
© Driveroo 2025 | Asset Inspection Management Software & Solutions